Thursday, July 12, 2012

Confidence and Germs

I joined a gym this week in an attempt to get back in shape.  My weight is the same as it was before Ella, but having a baby or two takes its toll on a body.  Some of the most important things that I want to pass onto Ella are a good self-esteem and self-confidence in her body.  I spent my childhood in what can I suppose only be described as a mousy attitude towards life.  I was too afraid to ever stop anyone from doing things that I knew were wrong or to speak up for myself.  I so badly want to build Ella up so that she does speak up for herself and she does step in and stand up for what is right.  So what does all of this have to do with me joining a gym?  After I had Eli, despite what the number on the scale or even what my husband said, my body didn't look the same and I didn't like it.  Frequently I would have thoughts like, "Ugh, look at that" when I looked in the mirror, but I made sure to censor them in front of Ella.  If I ever heard her say the same thing when she looked in the mirror, it would break my heart.  And then it occurred to me....I shouldn't have to censor my thoughts like that because I shouldn't be having them.  It's not healthy and I needed a change.  Getting out of the house for a few hours a week is hard.  Every time, Ella tells me how much she's going to miss me, and the whole thing has to be scheduled around Nick's work.  These are not the easiest of obstacles to overcome.  But somehow, I've managed, 5 times now (there was a 3 day trial....I haven't gone 5 times this week...that'd be just CRAZY!).  In any case, I feel like this is something that's worth it.  And I'm going to do my best to keep it up, because if that's what I have to do to get the body I want so I can be confident in it, and impart that on to my daughter, then it's what I have to do.

And on a lighter note....I think I'm going to take up sewing.  I'm super excited to start this new hobby.  I'm hoping to make gifts for Baby Austin (this is Craig & Amanda's baby's name for now in case they for some reason drastically change their minds later and in the future no one knows who I'm referencing).

And a funny story from a few weeks ago (6/23).  I didn't have time to blog it, but I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget.......I needed to shower and shave, so I thought I'd put Eli in the bathroom with me to keep him "safe."  What could happen with glass doors and Ella's help, right?  EPIC FAILURE.  Even after removing germy hazards, my son still found all of the grossest places in the bathroom, including: running his bink along the bottom and corner of the shower, then after getting a new one, throwing it in the trash (how did I not pick that up?!) and before I could get it away, getting it out of the trash and putting it on top of the toilet, then putting his MOUTH on the TOILET!  Ugh....I was half tempted to give him some alcohol to sanitize his mouth!  So grossed out.....

Monday, July 9, 2012

Stayca-Vaca June 29-July 8

Since we got our camper, we've been taking a staycation the week of the holiday at Mark Twain.  Almost our whole group camps with us, so it's Memaw & Papa Johnson, Aunt Jody & Uncle Bob Witt, Linda Gilmore & Kevin McAfee, Bill & Mickey Deuser (who live there now), and Tara Sheffield (who also lives there).

On our first night up there, we karaoked at Linda & Kevin's "red neck dome".  I was so proud of Ella.  She got up and sang "Big Green Tractor" with me.  Really, I just sang it with her.  She knew every word and did GREAT with the microphone. Seriously, my heart SWELLED with pride. :)

On Saturday, we had a campground potluck dinner, a golf cart parade, and watched fireworks.  Wouldn't it have been nice if we'd taken pictures of ANY of it?  Nope.  Sorry, but here's a few I took on my phone when I randomly thought about it.

She wants YOU!

Ella dubbed herself the "American Princess."  Who am I to crush her dreams?  She told me that she would wear  it every day and "Even princess sleep in their tiaras."  Really?  I didn't know that!

Eli in his drastically different, but so adorable 4th apparel
 On Sunday, Memaw and Papa left for a graduation party.  Nick & I had a party of our own on our new deck during naptime.  This was maybe my favorite day.  You should've seen the looks on their faces when they came back!
Ugh....I don't like it, but at least he gets it honest.
Scout went to the Johnsons' on Sunday.  I missed her terribly for the rest of vacation.  We heard she was acting depressed.  This made me miss her more. :(

The weekdays are pretty much a blur of Nick fishing, go out on the water, hang out at night, and repeat.  We played some games, which you know I love.
The only notable difference was on July 2.  Amanda got the best birthday present of all.  Her 20 week ultrasound was's a BOY!!!!  How exciting!  We are so happy to hear the baby is healthy and a little playmate for Eli will be headed our way in November.

The following weekend, we traveled to Wheatland with Kevin & Linda and the whole gang for Kevin's boat races.  Nick really enjoys watching them.  The heat got to me, and I ended up leaving early on Sat. with a migraine.  On Sunday, instead of going back to the races, we decided to pack up and get home at a decent time.  

Over vacation, we realized that Eli's entire top gum is filled with teeth ready to break through.  The top 4 are clearly outlined and white because they are just so close.  However, we discovered a bottom tooth had finally broken through! (7/6/12)  My son is 13 1/2 months old and finally has his first tooth!  He wouldn't let us take a picture (not that you can see it clearly anyway), so just here's one after we found it.

Grant's Farm June 25

Kristin was in KC this week with Lewis & Clark kids at SkillsUSA nationals competition.  Why do I mention this?  Because it means that we didn't get in our weekly adventure with the kids and I really missed her.  It's so odd when your sister, who you work with and speak with every day (usually multiple times per day) is out of town, and not only that, but BUSY!  (How dare she be busy!) I missed Kristin, and Ella missed her cousins.  I knew I had to plan something big to make up for it....but what?  How about asking Nick on his day off to come with me and the kids to Grant's Farm, on a day when I knew it'd be hot?  Okay....Here's the thing, starting on WED, temps will be at 108.  However, the 25th was a TUES and highs would only get around 95ish.  That means if we get there when they open (around 8-9), we can get there, look around, eat lunch, and be gone by 12, 1 at the latest.  Although that's always the plan, and usually I can accomplish said plan with Kristin, somehow with Nick, we move slower.  So it was pretty hot when we left, but we had a great time together.  Here are some pictures.  There are lots of cool animals, and I took pictures of them, but let's be honest, if there's not people in the picture, to me, it's not worth my time in uploading it!  So I'm not posting pics of the buffalo, mules, horses, camels, etc....
getting ready for the tram ride

feeding the baby goats--through the fence--maybe next year we'll try inside the pen

Transportation Museum

In catching up my blog, I am also catching up on reading all the blogs I follow.  I mean, I have to do something while I wait for the 800 recital videos to load!  Kristin has a great post about having such a warm spring and a nice trip to the park.  It is the same playground where we had Eli's party.  Here's her post:

We had planned this "Traintastic Adventure" (as I described it to Ella) for last week.  However, Brady was very sick, so we changed our plans.  I mean, of all the summer adventures, he could NOT miss the museum of transportation.  That is why only Reagan, Ella, and Eli are in the pics of the butterfly house.  However, now that everyone is healthy once again, we were able to make this excursion. 

We explored the museum, rode the tram, rode the mini train, walked through real trains, and had a picnic before heading home.

Some of the trains are "walk through" ones where the kids can explore.


top floor of a caboose where the crew could sit or lie down

Storage compartment in a caboose

This was a milk tanker--the kids were amazed by the echo they could make in it

Father's Day Weekend June 16-17

I don't have too much to say about Father's Day weekend.  We had intended to go camping, but that didn't work out.  We didn't do anything spectacular this year, just spent time together.  The first picture is at Nikki Witt's college graduation party at Dogwood Campground.  Ella is in the pool playing, but here's Nick and Eli chilling poolside.  I <3 my guys. 
On Father's Day, we went to church, then over to Nick's parents' house.  Again, Ella is in the pool.  Here's Eli in his new swimsuit and hat he got from Aunt Danielle for his birthday.

Sleepover with the Cousins!

On June 10, Kristin & Tony went with a few friends to a Tim McGraw & Kenny Chesney concert in KC.  Nick and I stayed home from the campground this weekend.  On Saturday, we worked on the basement, and on Sunday morning we picked up Brady & Reagan.  Here's the account of our adventures:

Sunday morning church at Morning Star
Lunch and naps/Mariokart for Brady
Playing in the Jolly Roger water table (see picture)
Playing tag
Playtime Inside
Watching a movie and eating popcorn
BATHTIME!!! (see picture)
Deer hunt (audio will follow)

Ribbit!  I'm Reagan!

Description of deer hunt: One child gets the flashlight. This causes many arguments, but I can't find anymore flashlights, so we all take turns. We hunt for Scout. It MUST be dark and all the lights have to be out for the deer hunt. The video is just black, but there's audio of what the kids are doing. SO CUTE!

Monday Morning--It's a rainy Monday.
Doughnuts for breakfast
Playtime with toys and puzzles

It made me so happy to see the boys playing together. I always know that the girls will be friends.  I hope that the boys are close too. <3

Butterfly House June 6

We had PLANNED on going to the transportation museum on June 6.  However, Brady was pretty sick.  So, since he's not that fond of bugs in the first place, we decided to go the the Butterfly House this week.  The girls are more into butterflies anyway (although Brady did give us a brave face earlier and say he'd "try" to go again).  I LOVE coming here.  It's so beautiful and you feel like you're transported to a whole different part of the planet.  Inside the dome is an entire different ecosystem, set up like a tropical rainforest.  It's so peaceful to see the butterflies landing on the flowers and to hear the waterfall....just gorgeous.  Here are a few pictures we took of the place:
Reagan and Ella wanted to pose with some of the sculptures.

The girls think if they stand VERY STILL and hold out a finger, a butterfly will land there.  There are several pics with similar poses to this one.  However, when a butterfly gets close, both recoil.  I don't get it. :)

After touring the Butterfly House and seeing all it had to offer, we had a picnic in Faust Park.  We had a few duck visitors, despite our best efforts at shooing them away.  Could it be that the children are natural crumb-makers when they eat crackers?  Perhaps....

Following the picnic, we played in the park.  The kids love playgrounds, and I love taking them there.  Are you kidding me?  Look at those sweet faces!  How could you not do whatever they ask?!

 Ella and Reagan named this purple dinosaur their favorite "fella".  Now everything is "fella" this and "fella" that!  Where do they come up with this stuff?