Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What I Want Most

Today I was thinking of what I want most for my kids.....since this blog is really intended for them to read (one day, when they can read that is), I thought that I would just list it out for them.

  • I want my kids to grow up strong in Christian faith as believers.
  • I want them to WANT to hang out with our family (not just out of obligation).  I've seen other families whose children actually want to hang out with the parents (Johnsons, Everetts, Oldhams, Woodrums, just to name a few!).  I hope my kids want to spend time with us, as they grow up, but especially as adults as well.  It seems like this doesn't happen very often, but I do want it to happen for our family. 
  • I want my kids to find a strong group of core friends who will be good influences on them and will be there for them over the years no matter what.  I have a close group of girls I've been friends with for years and I think that they really helped shape me into who I am today.  I try my best to only surround myself with people who I would value as friends and to not waste time with anyone else.
  • I want my kids to be good people who do the right thing.  Every day, I pray for us to have God's guidance in raising them so we can "raise them right," whatever that means. :)
I didn't mean for this post to be boring or sentimental or sappy...although I think I'm in serious danger of that happening!  I just thought I'd write down what I want most for Ella and Eli so one day they could see it.  Love you guys!

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Kids Today

This afternoon, I had the rare opportunity to have one kid awake at a time.  It seemed like all summer, I spent A LOT of time trying to synchronize Ella's and Eli's naps.  I FINALLY made it work, and then went back to school.  Now I get home and everyone is asleep, which makes me sad.  (The grass is always greener, I suppose....)  When I got home today though, Ella was asleep and Eli wanted attention.  I was only too happy to focus on just him for awhile.  Here's a video I took of him.  He was just so happy that I picked him up and played with him.  Fair warning, he's extrememly adorable throughout this video, although it's 3:30.

About 20 minutes after Eli's video debut, he became tired and I rocked him to sleep.  After that, I did a few things around the house and finally woke up Ella.  She helped me "cook" dinner.  This meant that she picked grapes off the stem and put them in a bowl.  She also assembled a Caesar salad for us and watched me cook grilled cheese sandwiches (and helped unwrap the cheese).  Here's a picture of her helping.  The apron she's wearing was made by my Grandma Revenaugh about 30 years ago. 
Gosh, I love them so much my heart aches for them.  It was such a nice afternoon, definitely much better than the monotonous, pick the kids up from wherever, store milk, wash pump, figure out dinner, bathe kids, bedtime routine, and repeat.  It was wonderful to actually get to enjoy them for the evening.  Hopefully, I'll be able to figure out our schedule a little better so we can have more afternoons like today.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Holy Crap, it's almost been a month....

I went back to school on Aug. 4 and it seems like it's all been a whirlwind since then.  Coming back to work was definitely hard.  It's just so hard to leave the kids, when they are everything that is most precious to me.  However, it's been a lot easier to go back to work this time.  I give a lot of that credit to how much I love my job and the people I work with.  Also, Sarah Tate (Ella's baby sitter) is the one watching Eli.  She isn't a total stranger to me now, and I trust her, so that makes it easier. 

Ella started preschool today.  I prepared myself for an awful goodbye, as Ella is the master of all guilt trips (and I thought I was good at them!).  She told me, "I will cry when you leave.  I'm scared."  I tried explaining that it wasn't a scary place, but a friendly place.  Really though, I am such a hypocrit.  I cried last night for her.  I hate that she has to go to a brand new place and make all new friends.  I hate that I'm the one putting her in that position.  I feel scared when I walk into a room where I don't know anyone too, and I also feel like crying.  How can I tell her that it's not scary?  I know this is a part of life, and she'll be stronger for it.  I'd rather just cuddle up all day and read books with her though.....In reality, she was fine.  She was excited to see the toys.  I got a hug, a kiss, and a high 5 with a "Bye Mom!  I love you!"  When did she get so big? 

Here's a recent picture of the kids:

Sad news: my parents put Bridget down the other day.  It's sad having to explain it to your child AGAIN.  Now Bridget is playing bouncy ball in Heaven with Cheyanne and Great-Grandpa Johnson.  Thank goodness she has a great memory and I don't have to re-explain every time what is going on.  Just that they are old and got sick.

On a lighter note, we went to Kevin McAfee's boat races last weekend.  TONS of fun.  Ella came back and announced, "I'm a MAC ATTACK girl!"  She had such a great time.  We all did really.  Although, I did forget the bubbles at the camper and Ella made sure to ask for them because she had them last year.  Seriously?  You're two.  You were one then....how do you remember this stuff crazy girl?!  I have memories as a 2yo, but I think her memory may be even better than mine.

Okay, that may be all for now.  I'll TRY, really try, to keep current in this. :)