Monday, July 9, 2012

Transportation Museum

In catching up my blog, I am also catching up on reading all the blogs I follow.  I mean, I have to do something while I wait for the 800 recital videos to load!  Kristin has a great post about having such a warm spring and a nice trip to the park.  It is the same playground where we had Eli's party.  Here's her post:

We had planned this "Traintastic Adventure" (as I described it to Ella) for last week.  However, Brady was very sick, so we changed our plans.  I mean, of all the summer adventures, he could NOT miss the museum of transportation.  That is why only Reagan, Ella, and Eli are in the pics of the butterfly house.  However, now that everyone is healthy once again, we were able to make this excursion. 

We explored the museum, rode the tram, rode the mini train, walked through real trains, and had a picnic before heading home.

Some of the trains are "walk through" ones where the kids can explore.


top floor of a caboose where the crew could sit or lie down

Storage compartment in a caboose

This was a milk tanker--the kids were amazed by the echo they could make in it

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