Monday, May 2, 2011

Blog Debut

I am finally doing it....after dragging my feet for over a year, procrastinating, and then saying that I would (but procrastinating some more), I am actually starting a blog.  I owe all the credit to Lindsay Wiebye, my bff.  She has been on me to get a blog going, more as a diary than anything else so my kids will be able to look back on our life as a family and see that we really did stuff.  It's an interesting concept, so I thought I'd give it a try.

Here's today's headlines of what's going on in the world and in my life:

*Today's date is May 2, 2011, the day after Osama Bin Laden was killed by the US Navy Seals.  I have very mixed feelings on this.  Of course, I feel relief that my children will never grow up in a world where he exists.  I feel excitement and pride, and a certain victory for our country.  Then I feel a little bit of shame for feeling excited at the loss of a human life, made by the same Creator as me.  More than that though, I feel fear of waiting for what will happen next, what retaliation will come as a backlash against us.  That's just how I am though....a worrier.  Even the sermon in church this week seemed directed directly at me (about being anxious in nothing, but trusting in God), and yet here we are on Monday and I still worry.

*As I write, I'm 35 weeks pregnant and anxiously anticipating the arrival of our second kiddo, Elijah Reed (or Reid....yet to be determined).  I was so much more prepared for Ella's big arrival.  It seems now like I have so much less energy though.  Most of the energy I have goes to work, school, grocery shopping, cooking dinner, and playing with Ella.  At the end of the day, I just don't have the energy to get a nursery together or pack a bag for the hospital!  I can't complain though.  Nick has been working his tail off with his 2 jobs and finishing the basement (I'm sure there'll be more updates on the basement to come later).  He's tired a lot too.

*Lindsay had her baby today.  ( for her story.)  Piper Cheyenne made her grand entrance 9 days early.  I can't help but be a little jealous that Lindsay gets to meet her baby already (although in all fairness, her due date was May 11 in comparison to my June 7).  I am so excited that we'll have kids who get to grow up together.  :)

Okay, my first post is complete and I'll be honest, it is a complete bor-a-thon.  I'll try to become wittier over time. :)  Until next time.....

1 comment:

  1. Well lookey here! Carla finally started her blog- Hooray! Don't worry, I find you funny and interesting, not, "a complete bor-a-thon" :)

    Don't fret, your baby will be here soon!
