I'll do my BEST to try and backlog what we've been doing over the last few months, but for now, here's what we did just this weekend:
Friday, May 17
On the 1st of each month, Nick & I plan dates. We plan a family date and a couples date. With him working some nights, it's really hard for us to find time to all spend together and for us to spend time with each other. Once Ella was born, I found myself incredibly wrapped up in her. When Eli came along, the feeling intensified. I think that it is so easy as a parent to spend all of your time looking down at your children (literally I mean, not "looking down" like in judgment), that you forget to look across at your partner, the person you CHOSE to spend your life with and build a family with. Honestly, I think that's why so many people have kids that leave the house and then realize that they have nothing in common anymore. I don't want that to happen to us.
Back to the story. Friday night, we enjoyed a golfing double date with Brian & Denise Stoesz. We have been friends for probably 10 years already (how is THAT possible?!). Nick met Brian at Best Buy and we've been friends since we were all just dating. Golfing ran a little late and we missed meeting up with Dave & Brandy Nieters for dinner. (SIDENOTE: Brandy, I know you're reading this. I'm SO sorry! Check your email today for new rescheduling dates...promise we won't stand you up this time!) Nick & I ended up at Rookie's, our favorite neighborhood family-friendly bar. It was such a good night.
Saturday, May 18
Ella had her first experience garage saling and really enjoyed it. We went with Nick's mom and had a lot of fun. Mainly Ella loved it because we got such great deals on new clothes, games, and puzzles for her! Sunday was going to be the busiest day of the weekend, so we spent the rest of the time preparing for it. That night, we went to Amanda's graduation party.
I don't know how this girl did it! Honestly, how she kept it all together when she had such a full school schedule, a 6 month old baby, and planned a wedding is beyond me. But she did it. And we are so proud of her. Congrats Amanda!
Sunday, May 19
First was a crazy morning of Nick & me running around to prepare for everything. We had Ella's & Reagan's dance recital at 1. On the way there, Ella said, "I'm really scared. I don't know if I'll do it all." It was adorable that she was so vocal about her nerves! Here are a few pics of us getting ready:
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Seriously? Could she look anymore bored with me? |
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HUGS! You're going to do great baby! Don't be nervous! Just smile and LISTEN! |
Performance notes: Ella did a great job dancing. She looked really good, honestly. Who would have expected my kid to be the class clown though? Before one of the dances, she said, "Um, Miss Kathy, is it okay if give my Pawpaw a hug and a kiss?" Other quotes include, "Miss Kathy, _____ is not in her spot." and "Um, Miss Kathy, I need to interrupt you for a second....." What a little ham! She blew kisses throughout the performance and whispered loudly who they were for "That one was for my Pawpaw all the way in back!" (AKA, the 3rd row) She also gave patronizing looks and pointed out people for not clapping (like Nick & Danielle because they were video taping or taking pictures), and me for not taking enough pictures! She is such a handful, but I wouldn't have her any other way. She is so precious to me. Here are some more pictures from before the show. The pictures from the actual recital are on the real camera. They're better quality....and I probably won't pull those off the camera card for moths....we'll see. :-)
After the dance recital, we immediately went to a park for Eli's 2nd birthday party. His birthday is actually next weekend, but I couldn't in good conscience put a kid's birthday party on the holiday weekend and expect everyone to show up! Since Craig & Amanda are getting married the weekend following the holiday, that weekend was out too. So this made for a pretty busy weekend for the Johnson family! We went to Oak Creek Park in St. Peters and just played and ate and had fun with family and a few friends. Here are some pictures of the big celebration.
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I love how Brady guides Eli around! SO CUTE!!! |
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They were trying to look at birds. :) |
Here's the slideshow I put together of Eli this year. (It is roughly 15 minutes and worth every bit of it!) He's grown so much and learned to do so many things! To think that a year ago, he didn't have teeth, barely talked, and didn't walk astounds me! He didn't even know how to dance yet. And now just look at what a big boy he is. <3
Whew! What a weekend! We are SO looking forward to next weekend and camping. It's been at least a month since we've been camping & I can't wait!
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