Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Holy Week

Morning Star had a lot of celebrations going on this year for Holy Week.  I love participating in these.  The first event was the Seder Service.  Kids, if you ever get a chance to go to one of these, do it!  It was such a cool experience.  Seder is the Jewish celebration of Passover....weird that I'd go, since we're Christian, right?  It was SO NEAT!  The man who led the service grew up in a Jewish home, but was Christian.  Basically, he went through the entire Seder meal with us, as we were able to taste a little bit of each item.  He explained the symbolism behind each food or drink.  Next, he related it back to how Jesus fulfilled each Jewish prophesy and  was the symbol.  After the presentation, it seemed so obvious that Jesus was fulfillment of each prophesy.  I was thinking, "How does everyone not get it?"  I feel like I am not doing this justice in my explanation.  All I can describe is just how awesome it was, truly, in every sense of the word.  I was able to serve as a greeter at this service too, which is stepping outside of my comfort zone, but made me happy to do it.

Good Friday service was PACKED.  So much that it was hard to find a seat.  I think that says it all.  I hope that as the kids grow up, we are able to really instill the importance of Holy Week to them.  I want them to know that it's important to not rush through the season and focus on the Easter bunny and candy, but to stop and look at the events that really took place before Easter.

Easter fell on April 8 this year.  We celebrated as a family by going to church on the 7th.

Side note: I love our church.  I love 1.) that we have services on Saturdays and 2.) that members are encouraged to go on Saturdays for the holiday weekend to make room on Sunday for people who don't normally come to church.  It makes me feel like I'm being a good servant by doing simple good deeds.  I greeted at this service too....maybe I should start serving on a more regular basis....It felt good.

After church, we went back to Memaw and Papaw Revenaugh's house.  We had dinner and an egg hunt.  I'll leave you with pictures of that day.

There was not a single good picture of the girls in their pretty dresses.  It's almost as if they coordinate when one looks and smiles, the other looks away....this was the best one.

Since it was SUCH a busy day, Ella did not get a nap....a decent part of the day went this way. 

Here comes Brady!  LET THE EGG HUNT BEGIN!

Eli found one!

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